
I am an independent designer and developer who explores digital media and technologies as expressions of communication, interaction, narration, and experience. My areas of expertise include spatial experiences, interaction design and visual communication. Research, strategy and collaboration are an integral and valued part of my work.

After studies in Media & Interaction Design (B.A.) at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, I am currently studying Integrated Design (M.A.) at Köln International School of Design (KISD). In the past, I worked for festivals like the European Media Art Festival – EMAF or studios like NorthernLight. Furthermore, I have co-founded the independent art and music label Serum-Kollektiv, which combines sound, light and live visuals in the various styles of electronic music.

Currently I'm living and working in Osnabrück, in the north-west of Germany.


Professional Activities

2018 – ongoing
Independent Designer & Developer

2020 – ongoing
Research Assistant
Interaction Design Lab
University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück, Germany

2014 – ongoing
Co-Founder / Art Director
Serum Kollektiv, Osnabrück & Cologne, Germany

2017 – 2018
Spatial / Interaction Designer
NorthernLight, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2015 – 2017
Curator & Co-Direction Newcomers' Section
EMAF European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück, Germany

2015 – 2017
Student Assistant – Communication Design
University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück, Germany

2009 – 2011
Stage Hand


2019 – 2024
MA Integrated Design
Köln International School of Design, Germany

2014 – 2019
BA Media & Interaction Design
University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück, Germany

2011 – 2014
Media Designer Apprenticeship, Osnabrück, Germany

Teaching / Tutoring

  • 2019 – Köln International School of Design
    "Non-visual-interfaces", Winter Semester 2019/20
    Teaching Assistant for Prof. Dr. Lasse Scherffig

  • 2018 – Industrial Design, Hochschule Osnabrück
    Workshop "Typedaze", Winter Semester 2018/19

  • 2017 – Industrial Design, Hochschule Osnabrück
    Workshop "Typedaze", Winter Semester 2017/18

  • 2016 – Industrial Design, Hochschule Osnabrück
    Workshop "Typedaze", Winter Semester 2016/17

  • 2016 – Industrial Design, Hochschule Osnabrück
    Design Methods and Concepts, Summer Semester 2016
    Course Tutor for Prof. Bastian Beate

  • 2015 – Media & Interaction Design, Hochschule Osnabrück
    Interaction design basics, Winter Semester 2015/16
    Course Tutor for Prof. Hannes Nehls & Prof. Jakob Lehr

  • 2015 – Industrial Design, Hochschule Osnabrück
    Typography & Layout, Winter Semester 2015/16
    Course Tutor for Prof. Bastian Beate

Exhibition (selection)

2019 – "20grad GRAVITY"
EMAF European Media Art Festival
Felix-Nussbaum-Haus, Osnabrück, Germany

2018 – "20grad METRIK"
Feel Festival
Bergheider See, Brandenburg, Germany

2017 – "unbesehen"
EMAF European Media Art Festival
Rathausplatz, Osnabrück, Germany

2016 – "WUTZ'"
DMY International Design Festival
Kraftwerk Berlin, Germany

2016 – "WUTZ"
EMAF European Media Art Festival
Kunsthalle Osnabrück, Germany